Air Sanding
Air Sandingg is by far the best way to prepare all surfaces of your log home for staining. There are a plethora of reasons LogDoctors have adopted the media blasting technique in the 21st century. LogDoctors Air Sanding Services for log home owners uses the impact of high velocity media to clean old stains, dirt and grime from the surface of your log home. LogDoctors uses recycled (and inexpensive) crushed glass as our basic media, which has the same look and feel as sandbox sand.
For smaller log home maintenance projects, LogDoctors Chemical Stripping Services use environmental friendly solvents to remove the existing stains. Please, do not allow anyone to inject a bio degradable media into the logs of your home.
For example, corn cob media would be acceptable for homes made from bricks. This "all natural media" would prove disastrous for a log home owner.
LogDoctors has a thirty plus year reputation of providing expert service and advice for log home owners. Trust LogDoctors for a job done right.
Call LogDoctors Today: (865) 606-0586
LogDoctors - Air Sanding Specialist
For Assistance: ( 865) 606-0586