Log Home Maintenance
A good cleaning or maybe a surface exfoliation, media blasting or chemical stripping, followed by a fresh coat of stain will usually reverse or for some older homes at least delay the decay brought by time. For some log home structures, however, poor design, poor site placement, or (believe it or not) poor landscaping decisions have helped cause the cancer of decay and rot to set in. This ninety-nine percent of the time has to do with poor water evacuation away from the building. All fungi, including those of the "dry" rot variety, require a high amount of moisture to evolve. Log Rot Solutions By LogDoctors
Wood rots if it stays wet. It really is that simple. The majority of the log home restoration the Log Doctors handles on both on vintage and modern structures deals in large part with rotten or decayed wall logs and structural timbers. We replace a lot of rotten logs and beams, but what we do that many other contractors don't is, we locate and repair the source of the moisture before the replacement
For Assistance: ( 865) 606-0586